Leader in Prana Technology with Structural Links,
Chakra Balancing, Chakra Clearing and Chakra Calibration
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the
Prana Generator®, Orgonite® and Prana
BEC Bio Energy Corporation
Practice Chakra Calibration, Clearing and Balancing,
and you can bring this extra Success into Your Life ...
and consequently you can achieve manifestation of your deepest desires !!!
Aseem Hetep-El developed the technology of chakra calibration.
email us:
P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA - (770)
924 0223
Now you can calibrate your chakras with ease when using your Prana Generator
And by now you can gain this experience and the advantages
of calibrated chakras with ease
and you can learn more about the
importance of chakra calibration based on your own experience
and most importantly, you can gain your direct evidence right now and it's for free,
and the power and the great feeling of this exciting evidence certainly will surprise you !!!
Learn about action at a distance and perception
at a distance, both of which are based on structural links
Be introduced to the theory first and then you can get your own direct evidence and proof
of this exciting new approach immediately when you are going to perform the free test !!!
by now you can calibrate your chakras with life force/prana,
which you can draw from our prana generators with the help of structural links,
and you can draw the full power no matter how far away you are from the generator !
In fact, this exciting technology of energy transfer is based on structural links !!!
naturally you can have your own kit for chakra calibration at home:
the PFC 2000 Prana Generator for Chakra Calibration with software and Structural Link Cards.
shortest distance between two points in the universe is a structural
link™ |
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Energy Boosted Radionics can help you to ... |
Reich showed that Prana
(he called this universal life energy form orgone) is what he called a primordial
cosmic energy. It is universally present and it can be demonstrated
visually, thermically, electroscopically and by means of Geiger-Mueller
counters. |
The chakras and their function | Chakras, blocked and out of balance | How to clear and balance chakras | |
Positive Permanent Change | It's Easy and Practical | How it Works | Diagrams of Devices |
Beyond the experience of clear and well-calibrated balanced chakras and a result of it: The rising of the kundalini Your body’s subtle energy system is extremely powerful and therefore it is imperative that you take it seriously. The path of energy upward through the chakras is called “kundalini rising.” According to Hindu tradition, when you are spiritually awakened to the Divine and your Higher Self, kundalini energy energizes each chakra from lowest (Root Chakra) to highest (Crown Chakra). The person is then said to have achieved enlightenment. It is the discovery and appreciation of our Higher Self and finding the God who we are within us, being One with our Divine Roots, which is the ultimate goal of the journey through the chakras. See also the course in universal consciousness (free download). The
goal of yoga is to awaken the kundalini so that it rises up the spine,
awakening each chakra until it reaches the crown. When you inhale, energy
moves up the Ida and when you exhale, this energy moves down the Pingala.
Yoga teaches the student to bring the breath to the central channel,
which goes through the center of the spine. The kundalini is aroused
and rises through the chakras to the crown where it triggers the pineal
and pituitary glands. It causes a rush of energy and a brilliant experience
of cosmic consciousness often described as having a feeling of total
Oneness with All That Is. This is experience of enlightenment for one
who has been well prepared through spiritual discipline -- see also course
in universal consciousness (free download) |
Prana Technology - Additional Applications By now you know that, with the use of the Prana technology (life force technology), you can clear and balance your chakras, calibrate and recharge them with powerful Prana. This practice alone can open for you the door to a new, very successful and happy life!!! Naturally, within a relatively short time, within just a couple of weeks or less, you will notice significant changes in your body energy. In addition to this, you can experience positive effects such as physical stamina, energy management, and relaxation, right from the beginning. Life can be truly successful and enjoying as long as you seize the opportunities it offers. Now certainly is the time to start something that can be the greatest adventure in your successful life with the help of this powerful prana technology. The Prana Generator® comes by itself (the CCPG), or in combination with a radionics program. By itself, you can use it as a mind machine and as a power source for operations at a distance. To set up operations at a distance, you can use special attachments such as filters, Radionics Programs, or your individual set-ups. Self-improvement, shamanic work, talismanic magic such as work with yantras are examples of such setups. It is clear by now that in addition to clearing, calibrating, balancing and energizing your chakras, you can use your Prana Generator® for:
Yes!!!… Therefore the Prana Generator® is certainly the most important technological advance in mind machine and Life Force technology in the past 40 years and definitely the greatest yet for self-help, mind-control, and, of course, for powerful work to naturally improve your life and the life of others! Prana Technology for more powerful results of your Yoga Postures - Asanas You can use the Prana Generator® to enhance the effects of your yoga practice significantly. Put the transfer disk next to you, hold it in your hand or place it onto the part of your body, which you intend to influence with the yoga posture, or asana. With two prana generators you can energize both hands simultaneously or energetically connect two parts of your body, two chakras, chakras with parts of the body or organs, or any two other energy points. The potential applications of this technology are infinite. this
the key component of this amazing new technology. It is the source of
power in the success-equipment from HSCTI. You can use this equipment
to help yourself achieve permanent desirable solutions
in your most important situations. It is Easy, and it's Practical and it's extremely Powerful !!! With the Prana Generator® or the Power Radionics™ Device, the practical harnessing of life force for your overall success is extremely easy! It is the same process that happens when gifted human beings use their innate psychic powers or when they generate and harness life force by other means. There is a difference, of course: With the new Prana Generator®, even an untrained person can get the same results now that otherwise only highly trained psychics, shamans, or magicians can get. In fact, with the new Prana Generator® you have now a decisive advantage over any person, who does not own and operate this technology. This is so, 1.
because the Prana Generator® generates life force continuously and
In fact, the technology from HSCTI requires not more training than what it takes to drive a car!!! In fact, it takes much less! When you decide to use your Prana Generator® to help you achieve a better life, you need no involved training, no creative visualization, no pep talks to yourself, no hypnosis, no self-programming techniques, and no motivational seminars. All it takes to succeed is the capability to flip a switch and the willingness and open mind to utilize new technology when improving your life in every aspect!!! In fact, acquiring the Prana Generator®/s is definitely the best investment by far that anyone can make in a lifetime as Prana Generators® already produce spectacular results, as experienced by thousands of users of the Prana Generators® worldwide! The Universal Manual that you will receive with your Equipment has easy-to-follow, step by step instructions that will lead you from very simple applications to increasingly complex uses of this extraordinary equipment. Above all, ...
It’s fun, it’s exciting, and you certainly can be laid With simple attachments to the Prana Generator® such as the various filter packs (the Alphabet of Desire, Sex Pack, Stress Zapper Sports Pack, and others) you can now harness life force much easier for any purpose you desire. Your Prana Generator® will then project this Prana energy boosted trend to any target of your choosing and it will do so continuously. Therefore the Prana Generator® is the ideal tool for you to increase your personal power, prosperity, performance, and success !!! The Prana Generator® when used properly, can be your powerful weapon that you can aim at any person of your choosing without them having the slightest idea of why they act in some specific way – which may be the way You Want It To Happen!!! Therefore the Prana Generator® can be your decisive tool to help you make all your dreams come true. It is a power generator, a mind machine and a creator of favorable trends in one! Most importantly, it works at any distance!!! Among the many uses of this exciting new technology - and calibrated chakras are of great additional help:
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of Action at a Distance Magick
is action that makes use of The three basic factors of any successful action at a distance, such as radionics and magick, are:
An operation at a distance that neglects any one of these three basic factors is doomed to fail, regardless of intent, traditionalist connection, spiritual training, and what not! That, and only that, is the reason why some methods do not work, even if the would-be practitioner followed all instructions meticulously (see the diagrams below). Trend-Links are radionic settings (“rates”), precision frequencies, symbols, sigils, frequency patterns, symbolic objects, devices, magickal incenses, oils, herbs, or any other structural representation. They have one thing in common: they establish a connection with a desired effect, or with the desired solution of a challenge. Sometimes such trend-links can refer to energies of a more metaphysical classification such as the effects ascribed to planets, elements, etc., all of which represent desired change, or effect. Being representatives of desires, the trend-links are sometimes viewed as modulators of life force (orgone, chi), so that the projected life force field gives inclination to a specific action. The Filters that we offer are typical Trend-Links. Many traditional esoteric schools teach the preparation of trend-links (“utensils”) of a very complex nature requiring much concentration and elaborate work, especially when the problem to solve is a complicated one. One of the purposes of this practice is the generation of a thought-form that is attached to the object. Naturally, using the Chi Generator® or one of our Chi Radionics™ Devices (the RAD series) and/or one of the Power Radionics™ Programs optimizes the effect of the trend link, generates the correct thought form and supplies it with life force. Such a Chi-energy-boosted thought form, of course, is a living abstraction that follows subtle cybernetics towards achieving a goal, or solution. Therefore, powering up trends with the Chi Generator® makes the more traditional methods of involved crafting of complicated trend links unnecessary. The Target-Link (often also called “psychic link”) is an object, symbol, radionic setting, etc., that connects with the target of your operation. This target can be another person or you. It can also be an entity consisting of several persons such as a business. Naturally, the target-link causes a direct flow of life force (with an attached effect) to the target that it represents. The diagram that you find on the test for life force transfer is such a target-link. It connects with a Welz Chi Generator in our laboratories. Some practitioners use hair, clothing, photos, etc., of persons that they target. A radionic setting (“rate”) that you establish while focusing on the target of your operation is a “frozen abstraction” that serves as a very effective target link that lasts as long as the setting remains. |
Important! Both, the target-link and the trend-link are structural representations of either trends (desired change) or targets of your action. Actually, when you focus mentally on a person, location, desired effect, etc., your brain establishes a structural link. Naturally, such focusing can be a real challenge for you: namely that you cannot keep your focus with one and the same thing at all times. This is so, because “moving around” is one of the characteristics of our brain. Long time ago, therefore, practitioners developed methods to “freeze” these structural links. Objects that are prepared with the intent to connect to a specific target, or trend, are such links. Of recent, the radionics device with its “abstract” settings (“rates”) turned out to be an ideal tool for this purpose. More traditional and very effective tools are esoteric and archetypal symbols, which, like the setting of radionics rates, have been made with a special intent in mind. Because of the processes of abstraction and focusing that are involved, we label these symbols, radionic rates and objects “equivalent structural links” as compared to the more obvious “near-identical” or “similar structural links”. |
The Importance of Chi Energy The characteristics and function of structural links are easy to understand. For Chi energy, distance is result of structural differences. To explain the mechanisms that cause Chi energy to join a target with a trend, especially with structural links that are abstractions such as the settings of the radionics device or magickal sigils, requires knowledge of the characteristics of Chi energy. Such understanding is still more important for an understanding of thought forms, how they develop and why they can continue to activate a previously set trend in a target (person) after the original operation (radionics or other action at a distance such as Chi magick) has been discontinued. Traditional operators knew about this (with the exception of radionics) for thousands of years and they based their work on such knowledge. This knowledge resulted from their practical experience. They knew well that the operations that they powered with Chi energy (life force) yielded much better results faster. The radionics device of the traditional kind, on the other hand, sometimes did not bring such an effect, mostly because of a lack of the necessary life force. The average radionics practitioner simply is unaware of the importance of Chi energy for his or her success. Typically, such a traditional radionics device remains turned on until the effect materializes. With the invention of the Chi Generator® and the introduction of Chi energy boosted radionics (Power Radionics™), this situation changed dramatically, of course! A radionics operator who works with a Power-Radionics™ device (Chi energy boosted radionics device) can now operate like a traditional practitioner, shaman or magician: Set the radionics device (or the radionics program) and run it for an hour or two. Then turn the device off and wait for the success of the operation. You can repeat several times in intervals of one or more days. With the Chi Generator®, you can naturally turn every radionics device into a Power Radionics™ device and you can turn any radionics program into a Power Radionics™ Program !!! In the following, we will explain to you in simple terms how radionics works so that you know why the technology of Power Radionics™ (life force boosted radionics) is way ahead of traditional radionics. |
With our equipment, i.e., the Chi Generators®, we have conducted double blind experiments. We have demonstrated that equivalent structural links (abstractions such as arbitrarily set rates in a radionics device, or archetypal symbols) allow transfer of life force as effectively as near-identical links do. On the other hand, traditional practitioners could have told us the same thing all along thousands of years ago! All their work and experience have been based on the principle of life force transfer at any distance. They had the experience; therefore, they needed no experimental proof. |
Of Chi energy we know that (1)
it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical
structures, and The second characteristic of Chi energy can establish linkage if the connection is not exactly identical, even to the point of being pure abstractions (such as radionics settings, or “rates”, symbols, mantras, thoughts, or objects) that were established with the human brain while focusing on trend or target. Chi energy automatically searches out the final target for which such an “abstraction” has been established originally with help of the human brain. This process is similar to heat traveling the “path of least resistance” (“preferring,” so to say, heat conducting materials) when following the law of entropy from higher potential to lower potential until a balance (equal potential) between the two is reached. The settings of the radionics device, then, can be compared to ducts in a heating system. On the typical radionics device, then, one link connects with the trend while the other link connects with the target. Both links being in the same place (the device), a connection builds between trend and target. With this connection between trend and target achieved, the trend energy will define actions of the target person. With additional mental targeting (intent), i.e., the use of trend energies of a more complex nature, such a connection can also take the aspect of a thought form. This means that, using abstractions and corresponding settings, you can achieve permanence after the original setup of the radionics device is discontinued. The same principle certainly is also valid for magick and any other action at a distance! Naturally, you need sufficient Chi energy, ideally from a Chi Generator®, to power up such a thought form and to keep it alive. Repeating the operation will then re-charge it. This procedure is certainly more efficient than leaving the traditional radionics device (which can easily be outperformed by people who know how to harness life force) turned on until the goal is achieved. The Chi Generator® that is built into the Power Radionics™ device and/or connected with the Power Radionics™ Program assures rapid results and the development of powerful thought forms. While middle of the line devices are great for personal use, the HD devices assure massive supply of life force for multiple radionics operations as well as for complex and difficult situations. By now it is obvious that the natural characteristics of life force make radionics possible. For persons who are unaware of its basic functions (negative entropy and structural transfer), Chi energy appears to be a “medium” that is “modulated” by trend energies which it then “carries” to the target. That assumption is as primitive as the assumption of some practitioners who kill chicken in order to “feed” their spirit servants with life force. Experienced traditional practitioners of all times in history knew very well this simple fact: No action at a distance, no magick, without life force! Chi energy carries the secret of positive permanent change and mind control at a distance. Therefore, Chi energy is the fuel of all action at a distance, including the comparably recent radionics! The challenge that traditional practitioners faced, then, was to have access to large amounts of Chi energy (many of them called it “psychic power”), to do effective work. Their methods to generate Chi energy have been as varied as the cultures and religions into which they were born. Some of the more advanced practitioners always knew how to draw Chi energy from the universe around them, while the majority of practitioners used an array of other methods, such as generating Chi energy in one’s own body (tai chi), generating it by means of strong emotions, and by having groups dance or walk in circles. Some traditions such as Voodoo and Santeria are still practicing animal sacrifice to cause strong releases of life force, or Chi energy. It is obvious by now that the capability to generate massive amounts of Chi energy makes action at a distance, including radionics, easy for any person! This certainly has been one of the reasons, why many shamans, priests, and other professionals of the past and of the present decided to guard their powerful secrets like precious gems! Under no circumstances did they want to lose their very lucrative incomes. |
In the course of life force research, additional characteristics of Chi energy became obvious. Wilhelm Reich and others after him demonstrated the existence of DOR, or deadly orgone. This is a form of Chi energy that, according to Reich, has “turned stale”. In our days, this type energy is often connected with strong electro smog such as under fluorescent lights. Many persons feel strangely weakened, even sick, under such conditions. DOR originates also under certain natural conditions. Of course, such natural DOR eventually transforms back into healthy orgone (Chi energy), because of the impact of the living pulse of natural orgone. In artificial conditions however, such as under continuous impact of electro smog, such transformation is counteracted continuously with the generation of new DOR, in which case the weakening and depressing atmosphere remains. The person who is familiar with traditional orgone accumulators (an orgone accumulator passively draws orgone from the surrounding atmosphere while the Chi Generator® generates massive amounts of orgone energy) knows that such devices can “foul up” with DOR in an atmosphere with deadly orgone (DOR) present. Reich found that out the hard way in his famous “Oranur Experiment”. The Chi Generator® can supply any atmosphere that contains DOR with massive amounts of pulsating Chi energy. Therefore it naturally transforms DOR back into healthy pulsating orgone (Chi energy) even when large amounts of DOR are present. For instance, if a Chi Generator® (continuously emitting Chi energy that pulsates naturally) is running next to any one of our DOR generators, their life-threatening emanations of DOR are instantly transformed into healthy Chi energy. In fact, any orgone (Chi energy) accumulating device (orgone accumulator, orgone shooter, orgone blanket and the like) that has fouled up in such an atmosphere of DOR can be restored to its original accumulating function rapidly when put next to a Chi Generator® (orgone generator®) for a few minutes. Note: Of recent, there are devices on the market, which passively attract Chi energy. In fact, these devices are orgone accumulators, which their manufacturers falsely try to market as “chi generators”. The difference to the traditional orgone accumulator is that they have additional features such as crystals; some of them are built in the shape of pyramids, and the like. |
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Attempts: This is the diagram of a typical operation at a distance that lacks the supply of Chi energy, usually because the operator is unaware of its importance in such work. Some Chi energy is drawn from the surroundings or the operator. Results are possible. This type operation has a high rate of failure! |
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of the Seasoned Practitioner: The same operation as above, when performed by a knowledgeable practitioner, priest, magician, radionics expert or shaman, who supplies the operation with Chi energy, either his own or of his audience, using practices such as conscious drawing of Chi from the surroundings, dancing, emotional highs or sexual (tantric) practices. Good results! |
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Ultimate Advantage: The same operation at a distance as the two above, with a continuous supply of massive amounts of Chi energy from a Chi Generator®! This continuous supply of Chi energy keeps the projected trend energies going. Results can come fast. You can achieve success also in situations where everything else seems to fail! Reliable Results! |
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The Power Radionics™ Program goes beyond mere trend- and target settings by including basic action, alternative target (can be used for grounding in case of repercussion) and trend in the environment. It is digitally connected with a Chi Generator® for powerful action! Extremely Flexible and Successful! See also |
Click here: Explore Life Force Generators (Prana Generators®) to boost and calibrate your chakras |
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